Monday, April 25, 2011

Birthday, Easter, and whatever else is on the camera!

I figured I should probably get one more post done before my life gets even busier! We've had lots of fun the past few weeks with both our families in town, birthdays, and Easter. We're sure excited for the next few weeks and just so grateful for all our blessings!

In these pictures we're trying to get Bridget to cooperate by
hiding candy in random places around the yard. This girl is motivated
by sugar, much like her mom!

Jake's grandparents own a lot of land out in Goshen with horses
and cows. It's so fun! Every year they have a big Easter egg hunt
and treasure hunt with all the cousins. Bridget had a blast and so did we
even though it was cold and rainy!

My cousin Joslin got Bridget a cute little Tea Set for her
birthday so we tried it out. I poured her a nice little
cup of tea and she picked it up and poured it all over
the plate.
Bridget loves riding the 4 wheeler around with
Great Grandpa Sorensen!
Bridget turned 2! I seriously can't believe she's already
2! I still treat her like a little baby but I'm so proud
of all she's learning and grateful she's such a sweet little

Jake turned 27 so we went out for some Mexican food, this was
the lovely hat he got to wear while they sang to him
Bridget likes to help cook...and this is usually what happens
when she does....

I was sorting through all Bridget's old clothes to get ready
for the new baby and she wanted to wear some of them.
The jacket is size 0-3 months and the boots are size 11. Cute huh!?


  1. She's getting so big! Good luck with LABOR! Love you guys, keep us posted.

  2. She is SO cute! We are so excited for the next one!

  3. Bridget is so cute! I can't believe how much she looks like you Mekelle. I really wish we lived closer so we could get our 2 crazy little munchkins together, I think they would have a great time! Is there any chance you are going to be in Colorado at all this summer?

    Good luck with baby #2! Love you!


From this!

From this!
Last April I had long blond hair and I could see my hip bones, and in less than 365 days I now have short dark hair and can't even see my feet let alone hip bones!

Dinosaur Bones

Dinosaur Bones
When my mom was pregnant with my little brother Ethan, she showed us the ultrasound picture and my other little brother Bennett was pretty certain it was a picture of dinosaur bones. So here she is, our cute pile of dinosaur bones!! Hopefully she's as cute in real life as she is here!

The best money we ever spent!

The best money we ever spent!
It's been really fun buying stuff for the baby on the way, Jake has especially had fun setting up all the new gadgets that bounce, swing, and sing! We have no room left in our tiny one room apartment but it's all worth it! I'm just hoping she really is a girl because I don't know what we'll do with all this pink stuff if she turns out to be a boy!

Diaper Cake

Diaper Cake
On February 14th my mom, grandma, and sister threw me an awesome baby shower back home in Colorado. It was kind of ironic that the same weekend last year they were throwing me a bridal shower. Anyway, my mom and sister Meredith made me the cutest diaper cake I've ever seen!!

A lovely little sinus infection...

A lovely little sinus infection...
So despite all the other wierd little things that go wrong with me, I never get sick! But for some reason when I went home to Colorado, I got the worst sinus infection I've had in so long! Being pregnant I can't take any medication so I had to resort to..well just take a look!